Coronavirus, Sharonavirus. The Whores-of Babble-On presstitutes were having a field day blaming yesterday’s selloff on the Coronavirus. C’MON, MAN!...
Today I have two scary questions for you… First, how safe is your bond fund? And second, how...
When you think of third world economic problems – like the ones in Venezuela or South Africa – you...
Another annoying element of Black History month is how it focuses on a handful of famous blacks (MLK, Rosa Parks,...
As the Democrat presidential candidates – one by one – self-destruct, will this open the door to a Bloomberg/...
What I find interesting and annoying about Black History month is how the history of slavery seems to always...
Regarding the Kung Flu, in yesterday’s email I Said: you can rest assured it’s a distraction to keep you...
You know things are getting desperate with the disease control freaks when they start giving names for the flu’s...
This past week – while many Americans spent $8.99 on a “made up holiday” greeting card and paid 2-3...
In all fairness to my fellow “holy rollers” out there, I want to point out that scripture is often...