Since the Kung flu got traction, we’ve been bombarded with more dis-information than I can ever remember. And don’t...
While working from home – and quite possibly out of boredom – someone from the Federal Agriculture Department came...
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.” ~Joseph...
Who doesn’t remember Chief Martin Brody’s (Roy Scheider) famous quote from JAWS? “You’re Gonna Need a Bigger Boat.” Ironically...
As my wife and I strolled through Walmart over the weekend, I was stunned to see the majority of...
Now that the month March is over, we’re confident history will remember it as nothing short of Unbelievable. The...
The disinformation and misdirection put out by the CDC and WHO would have you believe that 10,000,000+ people have...
You’d be surprised how often I get questions like: “How can I invest in the markets and not lose...
More Proof That Women Are Smarter Than Men Quick! Finish these two sentences: Man’s best friend is a...
The best description (IMO) of how the world is reacting to the media induced hysteria over the kung flu,...