In the past you’ve heard me rant about the exclusive “Club” operating behind the scenes of Wall Street. And I’m...
The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it...
There is NO EMPIRICAL EVIDENCE that isolating people and forcing them to wear masks can prevent or contain the...
Question: James, with all the insanity going on over this Covid crap do you think our markets will crash...
How is it that the largest child sex trafficking ring in history has recently been exposed and yet the...
This isn’t one of those “I told you so” emails. Check that. Actually, it is…kinda…sorta. Last week we wrote...
It truly is a sad state of affairs when you see a former president (Cough! Obama, Hairball Cough!) not...
Isn’t interesting how only a few months ago, the world hung on every word that came out of the...
Question: Hi James. When is the best time to get out of a bad trade? I’m currently sitting on...
“The Dollar is Dead” has been the battle cry of goldbugs and crypto currency bugs for well over a...