It’s pretty hard to summarize everything we’ve seen in 2020 in a few words. But based on how the sheeple...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Abusrdities Funnies, where this week, we’re featuring a collection of what we believe...
It’s becoming obvious that Trump Supporters Still Believe he can turn the election results around. And even though it’s looking...
Those who have – or had – dogs are more apt to relate to “Christmas lessons from my dog,” than non-dog owners....
Like a computer we all have an investment default mechanism. Do you know what yours is? That may seem like...
We all have that one person on our Christmas list that’s a problem to buy for. That’s why we created...
As 2020 comes to a close will it be remembered as the year we sold out to medical tyranny? If...
Seeing how this is Christmas week, we thought it’s only fair that we mention Jesus. After all, Christmas IS named...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where we wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS in advance. And, yes, we did not...