When you spend most of your time tuned into what the world is saying, it’s hard to have peace. And...
According to the extreme leftist’s agenda, everything and anything (that disagrees with them) falls under the “Racist” label…including White Lies....
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where those haters who laughed at us for calling...
Notice the subject line of this email didn’t read “Will Cyber-Attacks CAUSE WW III?” However, the Big Tech Media Presstitutes...
When you look at things from a Globalist perspective, you’ll see how Biden is the Perfect President. The Triumvirate Trio...
With the vast majority of Americans REFUSING to take the vaccine we’re also witnessing a major collapse in confidence. Why?...
It may not seem obvious on the surface. But Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Big Tech Media Boyz are resurrecting the...
Floridians know what to expect in June. It’s the official start of Hurricane season…and the arrival of summer mosquitos. And...
Carole, an email subscriber from North Carolina, wrote in and asked a familiar question: “Mr. Vincent, Why Isn’t Your Newsletter...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where this week we salute and honor those who...