As we approach the 20th anniversary of 9/11, we’re facing another Saigon Moment from 1975. Ironically (or NOT) the Saigon...
By now most people have heard of Obama’s birthday bash, where the elite crowd continued to flaunt their hypocrisy of...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where – like every other week – we’re seeing...
For the vast majority of the fearfully uninformed out there take a look at a chart – put out by...
As George Orwell rolls over in his grave, France has fallen …and most likely won’t get up. A video has...
Wait a minute! Did you just say Thank God for China and Russia? Okay, before you start calling me a...
A quick look back at history will show how Medieval medicine has returned in the form of Vaccines and booster...
Do you remember when Martha Stewart was accused of being involved in one of the worst insider trading scandals in...
In the crazy Woke world we’re living in you could make a case that ignoring the Bible is racist. Wait,...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where heat waves – which are perfectly normal for the...