The other day I wrote an email about how certain banks (COUGH! JPMorgan, COUGH!) have been manipulating the silver markets...
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And the hits just keep on coming. Last week, Gary Cohn (Trumps top economic advisor and former Goldmanite) mysteriously resigned...
Goodbye Gary Cohn and good riddance. Finally, another former “Squid” member bites the dust. (We wrote about the “Squid/Goldman Sachs”...
Is it just me or does anyone else see the hypocrisy in the recent headlines that Lil’ Kim of North...
Every Guru wannabe or talking head on TV wants you to believe that the S&P or DOW index accurately predicts...
Last week we wrote about how Exxon is fighting back against several counties suing them over “global warming” (HERE). The...
Last week the board of the Weinstein Company issued a statement to file for bankruptcy. They said: “While we recognize...
Last week the board of the Weinstein Company issued a statement to file for bankruptcy. They said: “While we recognize...
Normally I lay low when it comes to topics like school shootings. And it’s mostly because emotions surrounding these tragic...
Answer: When you’re a major US bank controlling the silver market. As you know by now, we don’t like to...