There’s something about one of the greatest stories in history - David verses Goliath – that causes us to cheer...
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If you find yourself criticizing how bad things are in America, try looking around the world. Asia is a basket-case...
Farmageddon 2.0…Officially in Your Face While everyone focuses on the scandal distraction de jour the devastation taking place in...
If you’re like me you’re probably sick of hearing the Miscreant-Media-Presstitutes drone on about Jeffrey Epstein. Why, all of a...
Sunday Funnies Aug 18 If You’re not Offended… Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies. Question: ...
One of the main reasons the average investor loses money in the stock market is from focusing on stocks. Huh?...
One of the oldest – and most consistent – investment strategies over time is affectionally referred to as “The Dogs...
As if on cue, the Miscreant-Media-Presstitutes are using Shock-and-Awe panic tactics over yesterday’s 800-point drop in the DJIA. WE’RE ALL...
If you’ve had success trading ETF’s (Exchange Traded Funds), then congratulations. For the rest of you - who likely own...
In George Orwell’s futurist book, 1984, he says: “War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, and Ignorance is Strength.” Some people...