Since 9/11 the subtle obvious politicizing of American sports (Cough! NFL, Cough! NBA, MLB, Cough! Hairball Cough!) has morphed...
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Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where this past week we saw the NFL...
Football – and most other sports – are walking a tightrope over a bottomless pit of consequences. Yesterday, the...
The often referred to Communist News Network is plumbing the depths of journalistic depravity with their most recent hire. Child...
The May 2020 newsletter is live and ready for your reading pleasure. Here’s an excerpt: Ironically (or NOT),...
Guys like Bill Gates and his mouthpiece Dr. Fauci (Dr. Fart) want to keep us in lockdown so they can...
I bet you first thought the headline was about sneezing and the CoronaGate, didn’t you? Wait! What? Did you...
There’s something about one of the greatest stories in history - David verses Goliath – that causes us to cheer...
If you find yourself criticizing how bad things are in America, try looking around the world. Asia is a basket-case...
Farmageddon 2.0…Officially in Your Face While everyone focuses on the scandal distraction de jour the devastation taking place in...