If you’re paying attention to Wall Street’s Bought-and-Paid-For-Media you’ll see why it’s easy to hate Liberals or Conservatives. Sad to...
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When you understand the following quote, you’ll see Wall Street with a new set of eyes: The thing that hath been, it...
Is it live or is it Memorex? If you’re old enough to remember the commercial about cassette tapes (Memorex) then...
Since the 2008 melt-down, everyone believes the market has had a spectacular recovery. To an extent it’s true, but the...
Understanding Wall Street (and the motive behind why things happen) can be summed up in three simple words, “Follow the...
Have you ever heard this line? “This Time is Different.” In the last 30 years, I can’t begin to tell...
Recently, I heard a Federal Reserve President use the phrase “Balance Sheet Unwind.” I was like, C’MON, Man! Speak in...
Have you ever seen this? “Our gurus got 18,642% return by following this secret formula.” “Yes, you read that right....
For those of you who don’t know, Algos is an abbreviation of Algorithmic computer programs. (AKA: High Frequency Traders ....
Today let’s look at how HFT’s and ALGO’s kill the small investor. But first, some layman definitions. HFT= High Frequency...