It wasn’t even a month ago when we wrote why we expect the Banksters Death Count from 2008 to...
This may sound totally weird but the large brokerage firms and banks on Wall Street don’t want your business…but they...
For the last nine years, Gold has been one of the most hated investments on the planet. After being battered...
After the meltdown in 2008 there wasn’t – and still hasn’t been – one single bankster brought up on...
Washington and Wall Street have been in bed together for over 100 years. Their relationship is nothing short of...
For all the wannabe protesters who somehow feel that looting, rioting, destroying property, burning buildings, etc. is your way...
The financial world has reached “Peak Hypocrisy.” Up until recently it seemed that the hypocrisy and corruption of Wall...
Congress critters want you to believe that a bureaucracy is designed for your best interests. And they believe it’s their...
According to yesterday’s “official” jobless number we’ve lost over 40 Million jobs resulting from the CoronaFraud. (We estimate the...
At Financial$Matter, we often refer to the boyz in the “Club” as a small powerful group of banksters that...