March 2025
March 3, 2025

Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Can Bloomberg Actually Buy the Presidency?


As the Democrat presidential candidates – one by one – self-destruct, will this open the door to a Bloomberg/ Clinton ticket?

Not a chance.

First of all, the Hillarator would never take a back seat for a third run at the presidency.  Unless, of course it’s discovered that “Little Mike” has suicidal tendencies.

The fact that Bloomberg has announced he’ll spend $1 Billion (of his estimated $61 Billion) to become president has the other candidates scrambling to raise more money.

Unfortunately, (or NOT) they can’t compete.

Biden is done.  Bernie is waiting to sell out to the highest bidder.  Pocahontas is coming unglued via internal strife within her campaign.  Little Petey’s fifteen minutes of fame -from stealing the Iowa Caucus – is over.

And everyone else is out of money.

Although Bloomberg can continue to throw money to cover-up his miscues about racism, healthcare, “stupid farmers” and making America safer (Stop and Frisk), he still hasn’t received any legitimate support.

His campaign slogans include: Mike Bloomberg will get it done. He will fix health care, strengthen the middle class, make America safer and bring us together.


It’s comical scary to think that a guy whose legacy includes:


  • Circumvented NYC term limit law to let him run for a third term.
  • Banning 32 oz. soft drinks while allowing public schools to give abortion pills to 12-year-old girls without parental notice.
  • Claims he’s going to fix healthcare, let alone strengthen the middle class.


And as far as making America safer is concerned, he might want to rethink his comments about blacks and their propensity for violent crime.

Bloomberg’s attempt to buy the presidency will backfire and cause more resentment among the middle class.  It will also accelerate the violence between political parties as we head into November.

The markets will respond accordingly.

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