Ironically (or NOT) the buffoons who advocate the Globalist “Build Back Better” program are the same people who’ve never built anything in their lives.
But somehow, they want us to surrender our rights and let them take over.
We’ve written about this many times in conjunction with the Great Reset (Read: Here, Here, Here, Here, Here, and Here).
And when you consider how this entire program is based on destroying everything we have in place “in order to Build Back Better,” it makes you want to throw up.
Question: Why would they do this?
Answer: Nearly all nations are broke and unable to pay their pensions. So, they’ll use the excuse of defaulting on their debt to try and convince you that you’ll get a Guaranteed Basic Income as part of the Build Back Better plan.
Just say NO to Build Back Better
The creepiest part of Build Back Better is that it’s under the direction of the Terrible Triumvirate of Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, and George Soros.
These evil Globalists are desperately attempting to force the destruction of the Global Economy like they did in 2020.
But the good news is they will fail…like they did in 2020.
Unfortunately, O’Biden’s handlers want to go all in with this destructive plan.
And George Soros is doing/funding everything he can to overthrow the United States. And he has supported the Democrats in this effort.
Soros supports defunding the police, and replacing them with a federal police force that will honor even fewer rights.
And he’s not even shy about it:
Because of creeps like Soros, we have abandoned the rule of law, the respect for religion, and now the O’Biden/Hologram Administration is taking orders from non-US sources.
Just look at who Soros’s son has been making nicey-nice with:
Again, let us repeat, this dark path/trend we’ve been on will ultimately fail.
Because, there will come a time where the vast majority will see this trend for what it is.
Pure evil.
Example: No president in the history of this nation has ever told people to just ignore the courts…like O’Biden has over his Vaccine Mandates.
In the meantime, you should be prepared for another rollercoaster ride in the markets in 2022.
It will get ugly.
But it will also present opportunities of a lifetime…for those with ears to hear.
Make sure your hearing aid is tuned up by reading our monthly “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
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They’ll thank YOU later.
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