Although Melinda Gates divorcing Bill has done the most damage – to Bill’s plan to take over the world – along comes Warren Buffett who drives another nail in Billy’s coffin.
In case you missed it, everyone’s favorite uncle, Warren Buffet, announced that he’s stepping down from the board of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Warren may be getting old, but he ain’t stupid.
And in case you missed it, he’s the biggest benefactor of government cronyism in history
Buffett claims he’s been cutting back on his non-Berkshire activities for years now.
But…and this is a BIG BUTT.
The timing of his departure from the Gates Foundation board is definitely curious.
We’re told – by the presstitutes – that Melinda Gates reportedly divorced her husband over his friendship with Jeffrey Epstein.
Drives Another Nail
And maybe that’s why Buffett is distancing himself from the vaccine guru (pun intended).
Or, maybe Buffett is wondering how much of the $27+ Billion he’s contributed to the Gates Foundation has found it’s way into the hands of high-level pedophiles around the globe…Oooops!
Or Maybe JUST MAYBE, instead of riding off into the sunset and quietly retiring, Uncle Warren is worried about being associated with the blackmailing of “High-Level pedophiles around the Globe.”
All of this for the purpose of unleashing the Great Reset.
As they say: The Plot Thickens.
In his recent statement, Buffett also said: “My goals are 100% in sync with those of the foundation.”
So, does that mean that Buffett wants to depopulate the planet just like Gates does?
Isn’t it odd how the “alleged” Father of all successful capitalists is ‘in sync’ with depopulation?
After all, Buffett’s favorite stock, Woke-a-Cola, certainly hasn’t been helping people live longer.
Again, Hmmmmmm!
And if you think we’re using this news to pick on Gates AND Buffett, then you should read what we’ve written about him in the past (HERE).
We’d be remiss if we didn’t point out that the most famous insider trader – and the greatest recipient of bail out money in 2008-09 – is resigning from a useless position at a tax evasion entity.
In case you missed it…Those tax evasion entities remain hard at work, brainwashing the global population with all kinds of nonsense.
Namely, Man-Made Pandemics, Vaccines, Geoengineering, climate change etc.
Guys like Buffett say and do things like give away billions to sound like they’re great humanitarians.
But are they really any poorer than 10 years ago?
And besides tax evasion, what happens to all of the billions that go to these Charities/Foundations?
Find out more in our July newsletter (HERE).
And share this with your Warren Buffett fan club members.
They might not thank You later.
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