The Tin-Foil hat crowd continues to pound the table about the Kung-Flu being a Bio-Weapon designed to kill billions all over the globe.
Let me remind you that the Coronavirus/Covid-19 is an ongoing political conspiracy distraction to keep you in A CONSTANT STATE OF AGITATION.
During this agitation, the boyz in the “Club” continue to pick your pockets in the stock market.
Let’s look at some facts.
Currently the Coronavirus death rate is around 2% of those infected in China
Outside of China the death ratio is also 2% confirming that the Kung Flu is NOT a pandemic. Nor is it a Bioweapon like the conspiracy theorists deep state wants you to believe.
(Last week we showed how the WHO profits immensely by classifying this flu as a pandemic HERE).
Bio-Weapons have a kill rate of over 60%. They’re designed to kill…duuuuhhhhhh!
So, while everyone “Prepares for the worst” (instead of worst-case scenario, why don’t you look at opportunities among chaos?) the majority of investors become like the proverbial “deer in the headlights.”
Ironically (or NOT) the Whores-of-Babble-On presstitutes use the fear of death to convince you that the stock market is going to crash.
Behind the curtain, this is Wall Street’s way of telling you that they hate Bernie, Biden, Bloomberg and every other democrat presidential candidate.
This is setting the stage for Hillary to be drafted at the Democrat convention in July. (GASP!)
Ironically (or NOT) the $500 Million of Pandemic Bonds are due to mature in July as well…unless, of course, the kung flu is classified as a pandemic.
Are you “Connecting the Dots” here?
When you learn to see beyond what Wall Street’s bought-and-paid-for false prophets are saying, you’ll profit and thrive in Turbulent Times.
Connect the Dots HERE.
Gonna kill us all
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