The Whores-of-Babylon-Presstitutes all seem to agree that the recent ousting of former Bolivian president, Evo Morales, was a coup led by the USA.
Ironically (or NOT) certain politicians agree.
Hold on!
First, politicians agreeing with the bought-and-paid-for-press is a sure sign they’re both full of crap.
Cue up Bernie Sanders who condemned “what appears to be a coup” while praising Morales’ leadership under Democratic Socialism.
Sorry, Bern.
Your claim of a coup is about as credible as Bill Clinton saying he didn’t remember visiting Epstein’s Pedo Island 26 TIMES.
Several years ago, Morales re-wrote Bolivia’s constitution allowing be president beyond the term limits.
He then began to lobby for him to be president indefinitely.
Ironically (or NOT) Morales made a personal plea for Sanders help and thanked him for being supportive of his Democratic Socialism. (AKA: “Cocaine Trafficking”)
Meanwhile, our sources in Bolivia are telling a different side of this story.
Evo’s favorite farmers – known as the Cocaleros who grow coca leaves for cocaine production – are trying to get even by destroying the crops of local farmers.
They’re also mobilizing roadblocks to prevent the real farmers from getting their goods to the markets.
How come we don’t hear anything about that?
Is it because the advocates of Democratic Socialism are hiding something?
Can you say $50 Billion+ annual cocaine revenues from Bolivia?
Evo even has his own personalized stamp on blocks of cocaine:
See image below:
You need to pay attention here.
What’s happening in Bolivia may be a template for what’s gonna happen after our 2020 election.
Read about it in our November issue of “…In Plain English.”
And let’s not forget Bernie’s famous quote from 2011:
“These days, the American dream is more apt to be realized in South America, in places such as Ecuador, Venezuela and Argentina…”
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