The recent talks about banning short selling because of the evil Reddit Rebels attack on GameStop is the absolute pinnacle of stupidity.
We’re not bashing Reddit Rebels here.
In fact, we like it when the little guy wins against the machines of Wall Street.
Banning Short Selling
Banning “short selling” is not only stupid, it’s dangerous.
It’s like throwing gasoline on a towering inferno.
Again, Why?
You see, when markets are plunging, the only buyers of size are the “Short Sellers.” (They buy after stocks have fallen to capture their profits)
If you don’t understand short selling, see our “Annoying Acronyms” section on our website…it’s FREE (HERE).
So, if there are no short sellers, the markets – out of desperation – fall into the “NO BID” mode. Again, see (Annoying Acronyms).
When “NO BID” occurs, you’ll see a freefall in prices.
Think I’m kidding?
Who out there remembers October 19, 1987 when the DOW dropped 22% in one day?
Put that in perspective…today that would be equal to a 6,820 point drop in one day.
And, back then, as usual, the lying Presstitutes blamed it on “computer failure.”
The truth was, the term “Computer Failure” was used to cover-up another massive government failure.
The real cause of the crash originated from Governments attempting to manipulate global currencies. It started at the G5 (known today as the G20 nations) meeting back in 1985 (See our Archives).
On that dreadful October day, many stocks went “NO BID” because the NYSE tried to stop the short sellers.
As usual, almost ALL politicians then tried to blame the crash on those evil “short sellers.”
34 years later we’re hearing the same rumblings about evil “short sellers” and Privileged White Boys on Reddit.
This truly is Stupidity on Steroids.
And it will hasten the total crash and loss of confidence in Governments.
It’s what they (Govt’s) do when they refuse to be accountable for the problems THEY caused from negligence of their duty.
Consequently, you should beware of a BEAR TRAP in the markets.
If these idiots keep it up, we could see the DOW decline from the 31,100 range to the mid-low 26,000 range.
Are You Serious?
But here’s the good news. You can learn how to profit AND thrive from it “…In Plain English” (HERE).
You’ll thank us later.
It’s Not Just About Finance
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