If you spent nearly four decades in any profession there’s a great chance you’ve “seen it all.” Especially in an industry that’s loaded with Corruption and Vengeance.
And, even if you’ve seen it all, you’ll likely see certain events repeat themselves every decade or so.
Ironically (or NOT) the names change, but the characters are still of the same nature.
Unfortunately, most people have short memories and tend to forget how things have a way of repeating themselves.
This is especially true when it comes to Corruption and Vengeance on Wall Street.
The classic example of this was in September 1998 when Long Term Capital Management – (LTCM) the largest hedge fund at the time – had to receive a $3.6 Billion bail-out from the largest banks on Wall Street.
The boyz in the “Club” were also facing bankruptcy with LTCM because they had huge positions in them.
So, they all decided to pool their money and cough-up the big bucks.
Except for two banks.
Can you guess which two?
Corruption and Vengeance
Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers.
Wall Street has a long tradition history of killing its competition.
And they’re very patient in doing so.
Roll the clock forward to February 2008 where Bear Stearns stock price mysteriously took a “nose bleed” drop and had to be “rescued” by JPMorgan Chase for 10 cents on the dollar.
The short version of this story is that Bear Stearns was assassinated (payback from the “Club” members).
Ironically (or NOT) in late September 2008 – almost exactly ten years to the date – Lehman Brothers was mysteriously NOT bailed out with all of the other boyz in the “Club” with the $700 Billion TARP fund.
James Bond couldn’t have scripted a better assassination than Lehman.
My point is, today every major bank’s distrust for other banks is higher than ever.
(Read: “Are We Looking at Lehman on Steroids?” HERE)
And the boyz are starting to realize how the Big Tech companies are salivating at the opportunity to take over the banking industry.
You read that right.
Not only are the Big Tech Boyz increasing their censorship tactics, they’re also pushing for Bitcoin/digital currencies.
They know with Bitcoin the vast majority of people will no longer need traditional banking services.
And they also know if the Great Reset gets in full play, they’ll do to the Banksters what the Banksters have been doing to everyone else for last 100+ years.
It will be spectacular to behold.
Unfortunately, it will come at a great price to all of us.
The good news is you can (and SHOULD) prosper AND thrive at their expense.
Learn how by reading “What to Buy in February” in our “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
Feel free to share this with a friend…especially if they’re a Bitcoin junkie.
They’ll thank YOU later.
And tell them: We’re Not Just About Finance.
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