Last week we were showing some friends visiting from “up north” around the Miami Beach area and I used it as an opportunity to prove the global warming fraud
Aka: Climate change
They were blown away by the number of new skyscrapers going up along the ocean front.
I told them that the extremely high price of the real estate along the ocean was flat out proof that global warming/climate change was a fraud.
After a few chuckles, they asked for some clarification.
Here’s the short version of what I said:
“Let’s look at the best-case and worst-case scenario that the climate change/Great Reset fraudsters have to offer.
They claim the best-case scenario is that global warming will cause the seas to rise at least ten feet in the next decade.
Worst case is 100 feet.”
So, if you take the best-case scenario, that means that all of this magnificent real estate you see will be under water.
And what bank would loan money for skyscrapers or ocean front condominiums (with 30-year mortgages) knowing that their investment would be worthless in a few years due to flooding?
It would be their death warrant.
And they would never recover their losses.
Banksters Proving Global Warming Fraud
If you were a banker and truly believed all the “climate change crap,” why would you even consider a business plan that’s doomed to fail?
We wrote about this in our May issue of “…In Plain English (HERE).
The lead article: Climate Change…the Driving Force Behind the Great Reset And…Ironically…the Driving Force Behind the Next Great Awakening shows you
- How you can profit from the lies being told.
- And how the Banksters are well aware of the impact and effect this has as we move closer towards the Globalists Great Reset.
We also highlight what sectors of the market are extremely undervalued * …and why you need to get in on them NOW.
(* See Short and Sweet Tips Column)
The crimes committed by Wall Street Banksters is nothing new.
But the May issue of “…In Plain English” reveals things that will make you jaw drop (HERE).
Share this with a friend…especially if they think climate change is legit.
They’ll thank YOU later.
At FinancialsMatter We’re Not Just About Finance.
We simply use finance to give you hope.
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