First, we had Nancy Pelosi’s trip to Taiwan as a way of provoking China to WWIII. And now Stinky Joe...
James Vincent
But like most Gringos we tend to see small South American countries as impoverished 3rd world nations where everyone is...
In what appears to be a sign that the markets have reached the top, reality TV star Kim Kardashian announced...
Gaslighting for profit seems to be getting a lot of press these days. Understandably so. The term “gaslighting” comes from...
It’s highly likely that many people are triggered by us mentioning how God’s not worried about the markets. And to...
The following is an excerpt from Ashley O’Biden’s diary that was found in a rehab facility where she was admitted....
A reversion back to the Dark Ages is underway in Germany as firewood shortages keep popping up. Cue up: Desperate Germans...
When confidence of the majority of mask-wearing believers is Shaken...not stirred, is when all hell breaks loose. It’s also when...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where flying high on the list of headlines is how...
Even though the media presstitutes are trying to hide it, evidence is emerging how US SPY Services (Cough! FBI Cough!...