Every year we coin a phrase for what we feel will set the tone for next 12 months. And this...
James Vincent
Welcome back to the final edition of the Sunday Funnies for the year 2024. And what a year it has...
Two weeks ago we posted a rant about someone who was triggered by a comment on Facebook regarding the resurgence...
Creating a list of What We Learned in 2024, isn’t as easy as it may seem. But we’re gonna...
The markets the week after Christmas could easily be “Markets…the Week Before New Years.” Essentially, they are the same....
Although easily triggered people get offended when we say “Jesus is the reason for the season,” we enjoy saying it...
The Democrats are showing their true Christmas spirit claiming that we should deport Elon Musk. Which is proof positive...
As the cockroaches begin to come out of the woodwork in the White House, the Presstitutes no longer feel that...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where last week (on top of the normal ongoing political...
In Case You Missed it…The week before Christmas is looking like many grinches are striking with increased volatility as we...