With the exception Russia, dropping the dollar has been hazardous to your health with severe consequences. Including Death! However, that...
James Vincent
Before we get into what looks like a wild week, we need to explain the word “Approacheth.” In the old...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the “EASTER Sunday Funnies” where in today’s world – where everyone is so...
Tomorrow (Easter Sunday) is supposedly when over 2.3 Billion Christians celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ…Which begs the question: Where...
The markets are traditionally closed on Good Friday in honor of Easter Sunday. And although there hasn’t been a lot...
It’s never been more obvious than now that we’re surrounded by leaders with ZERO experience…especially in the markets. Ironically (or...
When you hear someone say that Money is the root of all evil, you should know that it’s probably the...
For those of you old enough to remember The Doobie Brothers, you may remember some of their prophetic words. ...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where we finally made it through the first quarter of...
It’s probably fitting that this week’s rant is all about ranting on April fools’ day. Because you just can’t make...