In what should come as no surprise to most critical thinking people, former health director and perpetrator of doom...
James Vincent
Many people falsely believe that the Evolution of Woke is a recent phenomenon. But for those who study history, being...
Rumblings from the “Peanut Gallery” continue to speculate how the BRICS will replace the dollar. And In Case You...
Iowa governor Kim Reynolds is another lockdown liar looking to have her record scrubbed. And like most of the other...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where last week – and flying under the radar –...
At last, people are starting to speak up – as medical tyranny, once again, raises its ugly head – by...
A new poll published by the Associated Press shows that Americans on both sides fear that our resident Brandon is too old...
Once again, the Presstitutes hyped hurricane Idalia as possibly one of the worst storms of the century…but it ended up...
The most corrupt administration in America – along with their bought-and-paid-for Media Presstitutes and Big-Pharma Boyz – are desperate to...
With all the advancement in technology, medicine, and communications we have seen in the last few decades, we sense an...