Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where you will likely be offended by some of our...
James Vincent
You know things are bad when the parents of a murdered man apologize to their son’s killer. Such was the...
Whenever and wherever you have war, you can expect to see atrocity propaganda from both sides. And now that...
As if on cue, it did not take long for America’s bloodthirsty neocons to take the center stage over their...
Some people are calling the recent Hamas terrorist attack Israel’s 9/11. This may be true. But if you do...
People have been asking us if Covid was mostly a rehearsal for WW3. The simple answer is, yes. ...
It was only a few weeks ago when we questioned how giving back $6 Billion to Iran (in exchange for...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies where last week we started off with RINO speaker of...
In what appears to be another border wall fiasco the O’Biden administration said this week that they want to “Build...
If there was one single event that illustrates how Wall Street proves that “Heads They Win, Tails We Lose,” it’s the...