If you participate in a 401k, chances are you’ve been confused with the choices offered. There’s a few reasons for...
James Vincent
Before we had High Frequency Traders (HFT’s) and Algorithmic Computer Trading (ALGO’s), stop-loss orders used to be a safe way...
You know the sound. You’re minding your own business when all of a sudden you hear the buzzing…”zzzzzzzzzzzzz” of a...
How many people do you think are living their lives (like the lyrics from Pink Floyd…) “Hanging on in Quiet...
“When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro.” -Hunter S. Thompson- Just when you thought the Lame Stream...
Simplifying Wall Street In Plain English Volume No. 4 November 2017 “It’s Time...
Today I’m going to give you a secret question to ask your broker. It’ll help you filter through many of...
Probably the most over abused myth in today’s world revolves around the safety of your money in a bank. Our...
The death of free speech is not merely knocking on our door. It’s practically beating it down. Just look at...
Many of you Warren Buffet fans are probably going to hate me for what I’m going to say about good...