When you take a step back and try to look at the investment world objectively, you can’t help but shake...
James Vincent
I can’t believe what I just read. This story falls into the category: “You can’t make this stuff up.” And...
With all the talk about “bubbles” in the markets, the Fake Stream Media seems to be ignoring the most obvious...
Last week I told you about Arab thugs Princes being held hostage at the Ritz Carlton in Riyadh. (HERE). And the terms...
If you’re not familiar with Alibaba (symbol BABA), it’s the Chinese equivalent to Amazon.com. It’s the Goliath of e-commerce in...
Wow! Last week was crazy, wasn’t it? On top of ABC news being forced to correct their fraudulent reporting Fake...
When you think of third world economic problems (like the ones in Venezuela or South Africa) you automatically assume these...
Whether you realize it or not, many millionaires secrets for obtaining wealth are no longer a secret. All you need...
A few days ago, I wrote about how Saudi Prince Mohammed bin Salman (MbS), had his brothers, cousins, friends, and...
Before you accuse me of blasphemy, you should read yesterday’s email to get some perspective. (HERE) In it I asked,...