Who yelled “FIRE” in a crowded room? On January 26, 2018 the DOW closed at 26,616.71. (An all-time high). Yesterday...
James Vincent
Now that the Super Bowl is over (Congrats to all who didn't watch is) we’ll say goodbye with one last...
Did Friday’s “Mark of the Beast” close (Dow -666) rattle your cage? Since Friday, I can’t tell you how many...
Desperate times calls for desperate measures.” Or so we’re told. Whether you know it or not, the 2008 financial meltdown...
This email is for the tree-hugger in all of us. Regardless of your political beliefs, most people you know would...
This may come as a shock to some of you but The Powers That Be (TPTB) manipulate market fundamentals to...
It’s mind boggling how corrupt politicians distort things to make you believe they’re working in your best interests. The sad...
Warning!!! If you don’t believe in the 2nd Amendment, you’re gonna hate what I’m about to tell you. Many influential...
Have you ever had a discussion with someone about something where afterword’s, you weren’t sure if you made your point?...
In case you haven’t noticed, gasoline prices are up substantially. Even if you’ve noticed, do you really understand what that...