Despite the recent 50% loss in Bitcoin, the madness over cryptocurrencies is far from being over. In fact, the crypto...
James Vincent
Don’t think for a moment that you can trade in a crazy market without losing. In fact, you shouldn’t think...
There’s an old saying: “Everyone loves an optimist, even when he’s wrong. But no one likes a pessimist, even when...
Exxon has finally taken the gloves off to combat a Global Warming Conspiracy Theory lawsuit against them. You may not...
Now that the stock market has re-gained nearly 2/3 of it’s losses from early February, are you comfortable yet? Today...
The presstitutes in the Lame Stream Media continue their violation of what theyre supposed to do. (Report the news) Instead...
The BRI is not another annoying Wall Street Acronym. It stands for Belt and Road Initiative. And it’s China’s most...
Have you ever noticed that those who preach on equality for everyone are usually guilty of putting their own interests...
Simplifying Wall Street in Plain English Volume 8 February 2018 “It’s Time to Rethink Everything” ...
How many of you know that Jeff Bezos (CEO of Amazon) owns the Washington Post? Can I see a show...