Our tax dollars given to Ukraine are well over $150 Billion and yet no one mentions anything about Ukraine’s Accountability...
James Vincent
Independence Day should serve as a reminder of what our nation stands for and how it began. And how...
Tomorrow, we celebrate how our nation started a revolution over a 3% tax on tea. 3%? ...Imagine that!...
It was only a matter of time before EV owners complained about having buyer’s remorse. And it’s not just...
The 4th of July is only three days away and yet fireworks are flying after O’Biden responded to calls for...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where last week “The Debate” (if you could actually call...
If ever there was a reason for Russia to escalate against the west, it would have been the recent Ukraine/US...
Kabuki Theater is one way to describe “The Debate” summarized. But what is Kabuki Theater? The phrases...
This misguided belief that groups, like “Queers for Palestine,” advocate are based on the same reasoning as Chickens for Chick-Fil-A....
One must wonder how much debate preparation is needed in order for our Resident Brandon to face off with Donald...