More chickens are coming home to roost as Michael Avenatti (another 2020 presidential wannabe candidate) was arrested for bank and...
James Vincent
Just when you thought the British people would finally escape the European Union (EU) death grip, (Via Brexit) the un-elected...
As far as opioids are concerned, Big Pharma has nothing to worry about compared to the Digital Heroin that has...
Chickens eventually come home to roost. Mueller’s Main Mission was to Cover Up the Obama-era Crime Spree and Democrat’s Russiagate....
As you well know, at Financial$Matter we enjoy and appreciate your comments and feedback on our emails and newsletters. It...
Have you ever wondered why there isn’t a degree required to be a member of Congress? It’s the same with...
The Court Jester of CNBC, Jim Kramer, has once again confused innocent investors. He’s now trying to convince you that...
Not only is Wall Street honest compared to Walmart, it’s legitimately honest compared to 99% of all other businesses. Wait! ...
Counter-party risk, is risk based on another person/company’s ability to pay you back or honor their commitment. Example: When you...
Did you happen to notice how Chelsea Clinton was confronted at the recent New Zealand vigil where students accused her...