It’s nothing short of sinister when you hear ANY politician say they’re in favor of gun control. They’re simply trying...
James Vincent
“When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the losers” ~Socrates~ It’s pretty obvious how (since the...
After nearly 38 years of working on Wall Street there’s not too many things I haven’t seen or experienced. This...
(Note…the above is NOT a current photo of RBG…In fact, when was the last time you saw a recent...
Controlling your emotions is one of the most important secrets to buying or selling in any market…especially a crazy/turbulent one....
Have you ever had a song in your head and you can’t stop singing it? You know, a song that...
Have you ever had a song in your head and you can’t stop singing it? You know, a song that...
You shouldn’t expect the bought-and-paid-for financial presstitutes to tell you when the markets have peaked or hit bottom. Instead, you...
You shouldn’t expect the bought-and-paid-for financial presstitutes to tell you when the markets have peaked or hit bottom. Instead, you...
The fact that you read our newsletter is proof positive that you know in your heart that world is entering...