The easiest way to determine movements in the markets is to listen to them. By that I mean you...
James Vincent
Definition of ignorance : the state or fact of being ignorant : lack of knowledge, education, or awareness ...
Some of the best trading advice I ever got was from a trader who hated buying stocks on a...
Maybe the subject line should read “Why Wall Street and Politicians are Alike,” but that might offend someone. Oh, wait!...
Wait! Hold on a second! Gold is up over 20% (as of this writing)? How is this possible? I thought...
…but you can give it fancy names to deceive the public. $4 Trillion sounds like a lot of money, doesn’t...
I hate that headline. And here’s another one I hate even more. “This Time is Different.” Yet, everyday we are...
How many times have you read or heard a financial term and thought, “What the…?” You know, something like “QE”...
Question: Why did it take 18 years for someone to conclude that the World Trade Center building 7 didn’t collapse...
Those who pay attention to Wall Street’s bought-and-paid-for media presstitutes are under the misguided belief that Socialism is gaining traction...