Most of you old timers reading this remember the hit song from “The Police” titled, Da do, do, Da,...
James Vincent
Have you ever wanted a “sure fired” method for investing? You know, one that’s NOT LIKE those cheesy newsletters...
Virginia Governor Ralph “Blackface” Northam – yes that’s him in the picture – is more than a fool. He...
Let’s be honest. Why do Gloom and Doom stories grab your attention? Is it because they appeal to our darker...
We’re closing in on the one-year anniversary of Fox News announcing the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg (January 21,...
Okay, what the heck does “Fat Finger Frenzy” mean? It’s a euphemism for trades that can’t be logically explained....
Before the hate mail starts please, don’t think I believe all millennials love communism. After all, they are the...
The following conversation recently took place between me and my doctor* at a follow-up visit. (* My doctor is...
While most of Trump’s fans are comparing the air strike – that killed Iranian general Qassem Soleimani – to...
As this impeachment charade drags on, Nancy Pelosi increases the likelihood of destroying any remains of credibility of the...