It wasn’t even a month ago when we wrote why we expect the Banksters Death Count from 2008 to...
James Vincent
Up until recently, the term “Off-Gassing” was a way to make fun of a friend who was unrepentant about...
It was only a matter of time before they showed up. One of the things that Makes America Great...
It’s truly a shame how so many great restaurants have been destroyed lately by the Billionaire boyz club New...
Everyone wants to be a market timer. The thought of buying stocks cheap, see them rise to stratospheric heights...
Walmart’s recent announcement – jumping on the “Just Wear the Mask” bandwagon – has Amazon’s CEO, Jeff Bezos giggling...
A few years ago, we featured an article in our newsletter “How Two Octogenarians Called the Market Top and...
FOMO is an acronym used by traders to describe a mindset of the herd mentality. (It’s one of many...
This month's Hotter Than July edition of "...In Plain English" is up and available for your reading pleasure. Here's...
If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s how powerful the pessimists can appear to be with the full cooperation and...