To say that the Whores-Of-Babble-On Presstitutes are basically Dishonest Propaganda Artists may, indeed be a compliment. We’ve been saying...
James Vincent
For those of you who don’t know, FANGMAN is another Wall Street annoying acronym for: Facebook Apple Netflix...
The election of 2020 is not just about Trump vs. Biden. Outside the USA people look at Biden and...
It seems that the CDC has lots of ‘splainin to do over their findings that only 6% of all...
Gaslighting is a term being tossed around a lot lately but do you really know what it means? The...
It’s easy to tell when you’ve struck a nerve with someone when your social media accounts get blocked. Not...
Is it just me or does anyone else see a trend here? Black McDonald’s franchise owners are suing their...
One of the most overlooked aspects of how Wall Street and Washington use their media whores to manipulate the...
Although 2021 is still four months away we’re gonna take an early stab at saying what you should expect...
Wisconsin Governor, Tony Evers, is begging Trump to NOT visit Kenosha. Why? It’s probably the best indication of how...