Here’s some Saturday morning trivia for you. The phrase “It Came to Pass” is quoted over 463 times in...
James Vincent
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize that 2020, The Year of Chaos has NOT been...
Certain media pundits are actually celebrating the fact that this week’s jobless numbers came in below 1 Million. They...
One of the long-standing tenets of our FinancialsMatter website is that Everything is Connected…Everything. For some people it’s hard...
Like any other profession, Wall Street has its own language. And – like any other profession – if you’re...
Right about the time you think things might get back to normal and you can go out and enjoy...
This month’s edition of “…In Plain English” is loaded with actionable ideas, inside perspectives of how the 1% operate, satire,...
Although the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is a national public health institute in the United States...
Since 9/11 the subtle obvious politicizing of American sports (Cough! NFL, Cough! NBA, MLB, Cough! Hairball Cough!) has morphed...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where this past week we saw the NFL...