It’s time to tighten your seatbelts as this overcrowded, tired, and running out of gas market gets ready for...
James Vincent
You don’t have to be a rocket scientist to realize that we’re all equipped with five major senses consisting...
As 2020, The Year of Chaos winds down you need to start putting the pieces of the financial puzzle...
Last week we said the market is looking tired referring to the fact that the major indexes (DOW, S&P,...
There is soooo much evidence coming out against the CoronaHoax that it’s amazing how sheeple around the world still...
Now that Ruth Ginsberg has joined John McCain, Elijah Cummings and Papa Bush in her final destination, you can...
Here’s some Saturday morning trivia for you. The phrase “It Came to Pass” is quoted over 463 times in...
You don’t need to be a rocket scientist to realize that 2020, The Year of Chaos has NOT been...
Certain media pundits are actually celebrating the fact that this week’s jobless numbers came in below 1 Million. They...
One of the long-standing tenets of our FinancialsMatter website is that Everything is Connected…Everything. For some people it’s hard...