Never underestimate the gullibility of humans who believe we’ll return to normal in two years. Caution: This falls under the “You...
James Vincent
As we close out 2020, The Year of Chaos and close in on 2021, When the “Great Reset” and Food Shortages Hit Home, I...
It’s coming. More welfare for Wall Street. We’re going to be subsidizing Wall Street…just like we did in 2008 and...
For those of you who worry over the possibility of a ground war with China or Russia brewing, remember this....
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where we’re only a few days/weeks from more chaos over our...
How often do you reflect back on something your parents told you and say to yourself: “They said the same...
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any weirder, the NASDAQ wants our government to force LGBTQ Wokeness on corporate...
Lately, many people are asking, “Will Bitcoin replace gold?” Let me give you a very simple and easy to understand...
Las Vegas odds-makers knew “the fix was in” on election night. And the Tipping point to the turning point came when...
The Democrats who claim there was nothing to hide regarding the election results have flip flopped…again. A Georgia judge –...