Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where Hunter S. Thompson’s Fear and Loathing books make...
James Vincent
Unfortunately for the Globalists – and fortunately for all of us – the plot to vaccinate the world is running...
We’re not kidding when we say that this may be the best thing you read today. And we’re not bragging...
If you – like most Trump fans – await his return to politics, you will be disappointed because he won’t...
Another war in the Middle-East? A Gas Crisis? And will the deaths in Gaza be classified as Covid? Enquiring minds...
Using the word therefore to make a point can be very confusing. And often taken totally out of context. Huh?...
Events taking place all around the world are being covered-up so you don’t see how WWIII is coming. Let’s start...
Before reading any further, you should put on your tin-foil hats. Why? Because we’re asking questions like “What if Bill...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where this week we question whether the Bill and...
Gold is on the move, again. And, although I like gold, going back to a gold standard is a longshot....