Happy Independence Day Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Funnies, where hopefully today you’re going to celebrate...
James Vincent
America’s not so favorite, fraud disseminating, vaccine pushing, double/triple mask wearing “so called” doctor Frauduci has said there are now...
For those of you old enough to remember the OPEC crisis gouging of oil prices (early 1970s), it should be...
This past week, the famous gun grabbing Senator Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) listed her Lake Tahoe Mansion for sale at $41...
As we finally say goodbye to “Pride Month” – where anyone who doesn’t agree with their agenda is a racist...
Only on Wall Street could you see how, if your company goes bankrupt and gets delisted from the stock exchange...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities Funnies, where this past week we saw how Antivirus Software...
The “Epstein Didn’t Commit Suicide” theme is nearly two years old. However, the 2021 version of “McAfee Didn’t Uninstall Himself”...
For over a year the Globalists – aided by the Presstitutes – have bombarded us with how the CoronaHoax is...
You would think that after forced lockdowns and massive job losses, people would jump at the chance to get back...