Although the ivory towers in DC are still under the barbed wire protection of our military service, they can’t control...
James Vincent
The other day my IT specialist (Bradley) told me that based on Google Views of it was as if...
Like every natural occurring cycle in the world, surfing teaches you more about investing than you realize. And when you...
As Bill Gates Terrorizes the world with his unrelenting push for the world to be vaxxed, two top FDA officials...
For more than a decade we’ve heard Wall Street’s bought-and-paid-for-media presstitutes cry wolf about how we’re going to have the...
Welcome back to this week’s edition of the Sunday Absurdities/Funnies where, we can’t seem to hold back when it comes...
The old saying “You can polish a turd but it’s still a turd” is alive and well with the O’Biden/Hologram...
Let’s face it. We are a nation of many addictions (many of which aren’t caused by the Big Pharma Boyz). ...
Most Sheeple you run across are clueless when you ask them things like: Who is Paying for the Vacks? At...
As corporate America continues to do the bidding of the most corrupt administration in our lifetime, they make it hard...