The August Newsletter is Live.
And here’s an excerpt:
But when we look at what has been happening in the District of Caligula, we are filled with outrage and disgust, (to the point of nausea) regarding the overall wrongdoing to us – “We the People” – from a treasonous group of megalomaniacs who have taken over the White House and belong in prison.
Simply stated, these criminals will stop at nothing in their efforts to destroy our Constitution and way of life.
So they can enforce their evil and perverse (Climate Change) agenda to control what everyone does and tax us up the wazoo on everything…including the air that we breathe.
And they will use “Central Bank Digital Currencies” aka: CBDC’s as the means of control.
More on that in our lead article: CBDCs and the Mark of the Beast:
Read More (HERE)
Invest with confidence.
James Vincent
The Reverend of Finance
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