Financials Matter

"It's Not Just About Finance"

Attempted Assassination or Deep State False Flag?

While the Presstitutes are having a field day over the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, we believe it could be another Deep State False Flag.


Wait, What?


Let me explain…from Wikipedia:


false flag operation is an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on another party.



History is riddled with false flags that end up causing war.

And based on what we saw with yesterday’s attempted assassination we are waaaaayyy too close to seeing out nation fall into a full-blown hot revolution.


Consider the following:


  • There was nothing realistic in the photos and videos of this alleged shooting
  • There was no physical evidence of a bullet impacting Trump’s body (head), which would have caused it to move in reaction (unless it was just the slightest graze, which would be magically fortuitous)
  • There were many people (the audience) standing directly behind and very near Trump STARING AT HIM the whole time and not one of them reacted like they had seen him having been shot.
  • In a real assassination attempt the Secret Service would never have let Trump stand back up, face the crowd, and expose himself further.
  • And they were slow to react…but maybe that was on purpose when you consider what O’Biden said a few days before…




  • How did a shot to the back of the head/ear cause (light red, not blood-red) blood to squirt like water all the way to the very FRONT of his face to make–just by chance of course–for such dramatic images?
  • The “shooter” is ALREADY dead! As per usual in fake shootings. Dead men (actors or fictitious persons) tell no tales




False Flag



These are just a few immediate observations that often get lost in the madness of the moment.

And like so many other “events” nowadays–ESPECIALLY these “shootings” this attempted assassination looks fake and enables the Boyz – with their diabolical agendas – make you “LOOK HERE, DON’T LOOK THERE.”


And over the next few days you can expect the media Presstitutes to keep you “looking here and not looking there” saying things like:


  • The shooter was a lone wolf
  • It was Trump’s fault because he incited hatred and division


One last point.


Do you remember when the fake judge delayed the sentencing of Trump, who ended his delay order with… “if it is still required?”


What did he know?

And when did he know it?


We have a lot more to reveal about this in our July issue of “…In Plain English” (Available July 15th HERE).


So, be sure to read it and share this with a friend…especially if they buy into all the media garbage and don’t look to see what’s being covered up in the meantime.

They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


We’re Not Just About Finance

But we use finance to give you hope.




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