O’Biden’s “Disinformation Governance Board” has effectively increased censorship as the truth becomes harder to find.
Maybe it’s a coincidence, but just over one year ago this “Disinformation Board” was announced within days after Elon Musk secured financing to buy Twitter.
And while Musk wants you to believe he’s the champion of free speech, he has very conveniently NOT challenged the Disinformation Board.
But the bad news is, “Disinformation” allows governments to determine what is factual.
So, let’s Connect the Dots.
“Disinformation” is the new hot-button word for government censorship.
And if you believe Musk is out to save the world from government censorship, then you probably shouldn’t read any further.
Since its beginning, Tesla has been funded with 100s of Billions in tax-payer dollars.
Add in SpaceX, Neuralink, Open AI, The Boring Company, and a host of other related “Musk owned” taxpayer funded businesses and it’s easy to see why he’s the richest man on the planet.
Truth Becomes Harder to Find
So, who are you gonna believe?
- The O’Biden administration, who has openly lied to everyone and systematically destroyed the global economy in record time?
- Or a pathological megalomaniac portraying himself as the defender of free speech while using Billions – possibly Trillions – of taxpayer dollars to further his creation of an enhanced surveillance state…which happens to dovetail into Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset?
Unfortunately, what we do know is how the truth becomes harder to find with “Disinformation Boards” and other clever titles like “Ministry of Truth.” *
(* Note: Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin all had a “Ministry of Truth”)
As part of this entire Disinformation Board/Ministry of Truth garbage the US, EU, and 32 other nations have announced a “Declaration for the Future of the Internet.”
But…and this is a Very Big Butt…
Countries that openly censor their internet (Cough! Russia, China Cough! Cough!) have not signed this declaration.
Internet users in those nations know that what they read online is censored.
The bottom line is: the truth will always exist…But it will become harder to find in the future.
And that’s EXACTLY why we publish our monthly “…In Plain English” newsletter (HERE).
“And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
~John 8:32~
Share this with a friend…especially if they seek the truth.
They’ll thank YOU later.
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