Just when you think that DOGE has busted open all the Pandora’s boxes within our shadow government, they come up with another $4.7 Trillion in untraceable US Treasury payments.
Yes, that is right.
And it is not as if there wasn’t a tracking system in place.
Because, the Boyz are supposed to use what is called the Treasury Access Symbol (TAS) identification codes associated with those payouts by the Treasury.
But without those tracking codes there’s little hope in figuring out where all that money went.
This is due to a rampant disregard for the basic accounting practice of using of tracking codes when dishing out money.
The excuse being given (so far) is how the Treasury TAS system simply went casually unused for all sorts of payouts adding up to an almost unfathomable $4.7 trillion.
Let’s do some math here to add perspective.
If someone was to dish out $1 Million dollars every minute of the day you would have issued $1.44 Billion in one day.
(1,440 minutes in a day X $1,000,000 = $1,440,000,000)
Now, take that $1,440,000,000 and divide it by the mind-boggling figure of $4,700,000,000,000 (that they know of so far) and it would take over 3, 263 days to disburse that much money…approximately 9 years.
Translation: $4.7 Trillion of our tax dollars went into a black hole…that we know of.
Untraceable Payments
Although the payments appear to be untraceable, there are ways to discover where the monies went and who sent them.
It will be more time consuming but it’s one more piece of the puzzle that currently has the left (and RINOS) feeling like they are stuck in traffic with an explosive case of diarrhea.
And to think it has only been one month that Trump has been in office.
Ironically (or NOT) the messages sent by DOGE and other efforts to week out corruption are becoming much more direct as people cry out over how bad it is that our government is being exposed for massive fraud and possibly the greatest scandals in our nation’s history.
Certain people should be nervous.
On a brighter note, discovering all this waste ultimately helps turn the tide back into strengthening our economy not just domestically but globally as well.
Be sure to read what sectors are benefitting the most in or February edition of “Simplifying Wall Street…In Plain English” (HERE).
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