“An unbelieved truth can hurt a man much more than a lie. It takes great courage to back truth unacceptable to our times. There’s a punishment for it, and it’s usually crucifixion.”
~John Steinbeck, East of Eden~
Written in 1952, East of Eden was considered one of Steinbeck’s greatest novels.
And 70 years later his words still resonate true.
Today, far too many truths are being labeled as:
- Unacceptable
- Conspiracy theories
- Right wing nut job ramblings
- Etc.
Ironically (or NOT) it’s mostly an effort to keep the sheeple believing the lies we’re bombarded with 24/7.
And while many people openly speak about the truths – dangers of the vax, election fraud, etc. – they’re constantly being shouted down by Big Pharma, DC and the Great Reset Crowd.
Recently, one of the most outrageous claims from the O’Biden crowd is how we’re in “One of the best economies” in recent times.
Or, I especially like how the DC clowns – in tandem with their Wall Street Overlords – say things like: “We may be headed for a recession soon.”
Who do these clowns think they’re kidding?
Under four years of “mean tweets” from Trump our stock market experienced a $6.9 Trillion gain.
But after only 16 months of Stinky Joe being in office, we’ve seen a loss of over $11 Trillion.
More Than One Unbelieved Truth
Ironically (or NOT) many of Trump’s “mean tweets” would be classified as an unbelieved truth.
And – like Steinbeck said – he was crucified for them.
So, until we stand up to censorship, lies, and the Big Tech Presstitutes manipulation of the media, we shouldn’t expect anything to change.
Too many people are afraid to speak the truth.
As a result, people will bury their heads in the sand out of fear of rejection or public humiliation.
Don’t be one of them.
Instead, learn some of the truths about how the markets work behind the curtain (HERE).
It will not only open your eyes to the corruption that’s been getting worse over the year, but will also allow you to trade like the 1%.
And remember, the 1% needs the 99% to be wrong in order for them to make fortunes at YOUR expense.
See for yourself (HERE)…you won’t regret it.
Share this with a friend…especially if they struggle with the truth.
They’ll thank YOU later.
“…and you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”
~John 8:32~
We’re Not Just About Finance.
A Classic Unbelieved Truth
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