Financials Matter

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America Last…Funding Foreign Wars

The greatest money-laundering scam in history has been our policy of funding foreign wars.


Since the war with Russia began (in February 2022) during O’Biden’s Administration, he has pushed for a total of $175 billion to create more billionaires in Ukraine than in America.


Ironically (or NOT) $106 billion directly aids the government of Ukraine.


And the balance funds “various” U.S. activities associated with the war in Ukraine, namely overthrowing the Russian government and surrounding countries.


This ensures the future of our politician’s investments will be profitable.


And so far in 2024, O’Biden added an additional $105 Billion to our budget assuring that we are spending far more on securing Israel and Ukraine than our own border.


Ironically (or NOT) the new bill provides $13.6 Billion to secure the US-Mexico border.

But, compare that with the $61.4 Billion set aside for Ukraine and $14.1 Billion for Israel.


Question:  Do you remember when Trump requested less than this to build his wall and Congress shut it down entirely?


They said:


 Politicians on both sides of the aisle said there was no funding available to secure America’s border before the mass invasion in 2023.




Funding Foreign Wars



But when you try to look at things logically (contrary to most political desires) you would conclude that our current regime has adopted an America Last policy.


And why does America’s favorite money-laundering group, (Cough! Pentagon, Cough! Cough!) get $58 Billion of the $105 Billion package?


In Case You Missed It…They have never completed an audit.


And they have had multiple Trillions go unaccounted for in recent years. *


(* Note:  This is in addition to the $2.3 Trillion that was announced missing (by then Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld) on September 10, 2001…which was completely forgotten about the next day…how convenient)


But you can rest assured that the Pentagon will launder spend the money wisely in Ukraine and or Israel.


Yeaahh, riiiight!


It gets worse…


The new budget also indicates America’s plans to go to war with China.


Wait! What?


The new spending package will provide $2 billion in military aid to Taiwan and the Indo-Pacific region and an additional $2 billion in developmental aid.


Sadly, most Americans don’t realize that we are financing the globalists’ war games abroad…and not on our own soil.


And this is simply another spending package based on AMERICA LAST policies.





So, instead of complaining about it, do the math.


Who profits from military spending?




The Military Industrial Complex, aka: MIC.


READ:  Why the Military Industrial Complex (MIC) Loves O’Biden  March 10, 2021 (HERE)


And for more information on the best defense stocks to consider investing in be sure to read our upcoming November edition of “…In Plain English” (HERE).


Share this with a friend…even if they are clueless about us Funding Foreign Wars. They’ll thank YOU later.


And tell them:


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