Soon, you and everyone else you know will buy EVERYTHING from Amazon. That’s because Amazon is destroying the retail business.
All I can say is, “C’MON, MAN?”
For over 30 years I’ve been hearing how “one” company or ONE TECHNOLOGY will own the market and everyone else is gonna die. This is like a broken record, especially in the retail business.
Don’t get me wrong about Amazon. They’re definitively changing how we shop. But to say that they will put everyone out of business reminds me of when everyone and their brother was saying that MLM’s would put retail out of business.
How did that work out?
What you must realize is that certain companies NEED to die. They haven’t changed with the times and their business model sucks.
At the same time, you don’t want to fall victim of someone or some group “Talking their book” (See “Annoying Acronyms” and Inside Street Language” HERE).
There is a natural “weeding out” that takes place in every industry and currently retail is making all the headlines (deservedly so). The dinosaurs will soon die but the smart retailers are adapting and getting stronger.
Don’t look at this is another shameless plug for our newsletter (it is) but the May 2018 issue features an article that shows you who’s already dead, who’s on life support, and who the winners (besides Amazon) will be.
But you gotta be a premium member to see who they are.
Go there now (LINK).
You’ll thank us later.
P.S. While you’re there, see how you can get a FREE copy of our newsletter before taking the plunge. (LINK)
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