If you’re not familiar with Alibaba (symbol BABA), it’s the Chinese equivalent to Amazon.com. It’s the Goliath of e-commerce in China.
They’re growing at a scary pace and will, one day, probably be bigger than Amazon. (Can you say, “1.3 Billion Chinese shoppers?”)
Alibaba’s 53 yr. old founder, Jack Ma, (already one of the wealthiest men in the world) knows a good opportunity when he sees it. And he’s betting on a declining US dollar to increase his fortune.
Alibaba announced they’re issuing bonds in US dollars. (What’s surprising is, they don’t need to borrow any money. They’re balance sheet is pristine).
They also said the proceeds will be used for “general corporate purposes.”
In plain English that means “none of your business.”
But seriously, why would they be issuing debt if they don’t need it?
The clue to this puzzle is the bonds will be issued in US denominated dollars.
Follow me on this.
If you borrow, while the dollar is strong, and pay it back when the dollar is weak, you get a big bang for your buck (no pun intended).
The Chinese aren’t the only ones that recognize this “new game in town.”
Look for other foreign companies to pounce on this as well.
This is a trend you need to follow…and you can take advantage of it as well.
Are you connecting the dots yet?
Discover which assets will benefit the most from this trend (HERE).
You’ll thank us later.
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