I bet you first thought the headline was about sneezing and the CoronaGate, didn’t you?
Wait! What?
Did you say CoronaGATE?
Yes, and it has nothing to do with sneezing.
However, the fallout – from what I believe is the sinister hidden agenda over the “Kung Flu Farce,” – will be far more damaging to the global economy than RussiaGate, WaterGate, and any other DisasterGate we’ve ever seen.
Henceforth the reference to the Bee Gee’s ‘Stayin Alive, Stayin’ Alive.’
And if you want to go beyond Stayin’ Alive, just wait until the second half of the market’s volatility kicks in like a Donkey stung by multiple wasps (Pun intended for Democrats only).
Seriously, the bounce back in the markets on Friday – after Trump made his speech – gave everyone the impression that “all is well.”
Then, on Sunday, the dumbass Fed Reserve Chairman slashes rates to ZERO and allegedly launces QE5 to the tune of $700 Billion.
Don’t miss the point here.
This is one of the biggest mistakes IN HISTORY made by the Federal Reserve. And it will come back to haunt all of us.
Despite how the markets ultimately respond to this you’re gonna see how this hastens the total collapse of our bond market.
Want proof?
Japan and Europe are totally bankrupt because of their negative interest rates and NO ONE wants to buy their bonds.
As a result of the decimation of their bond market, Germany has announced they’re considering nationalizing all businesses.
In Plain English that means everyone who owns stocks in European companies loses their money.
Can I be blunter here?
If you own any emerging market bonds or stocks, you need to get out while the getting’s good.
Now, more than ever, you need to know how things operate behind the curtain.
Your financial survival of the future depends on it.
See what I mean in our March Edition of “…In Plain English.” link
It’s the best $15 investment you’ll probably ever make…and it’s less than what you spent on toilet paper this week.
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